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Plus dangereux que le Covid-19, le China bashing !

11 août 2020, 06:28, par lai

Taiwannews. A Chinese virologist and whistleblower on Wednesday (Aug. 5) claimed the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) is a chimera based on the "Zhoushan bat virus" and chastised the World Health Organization (WHO) for lying about the virus and operating according to mutual "benefits" rather than in the interest of world health.

The YouTube channel G-Translators on Wednesday (Aug. 5) held a livestream interview with Yan Li-Meng (???), a virologist employed as a researcher at the University of Hong Kong’s School of Public Health when the coronavirus pandemic began. The interview follows an appearance she made on another YouTube channel Sunday (Aug. 2), in which she alleged the coronavirus came from a People’s Liberation Army (PLA) lab.

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